Thank you to everyone who entered the first ever Wavemaker and digihealthwell Digital Champion Awards in Health, Social Care and Wellbeing.

We have had some fantastic entries and picking out a clear winner has been extremely difficult. Everyone who entered is using digital technologies in health and social care and you should all be very proud of the work you are doing - keep it up!

And the winners are…

Please see the video below for the announcement. Your trophies and prizes are in the post!

Digital Champion Awards Crest.png

Digital Champion


Helping individuals use digital techniques in their health and wellbeing – for health community or patient / user-based entries.

Digital Champion


Health and Social Care practitioners helping individuals or groups, patients, service users or neighbours introduce and use digital techniques and Technology Enabled Care Services in their health and wellbeing - all Health and Social Care practitioner** based entries.

Digital Champion


Leading innovation encouraging and supporting local people and / or colleagues to take practical steps so that they can take up digital techniques to aid everyday living, support wellbeing and be digitally included - innovative digital or TECS applications in Wellbeing and everyday living.